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Relationship Problems Treated

Helping the Couple and Family to become The Basic Unit of Society

Arizona Couples evaluates and treats couples within a broad range of problem areas and issues. It is not possible to list all of the problems that are treated at Arizona Couples, but the following is a list of the most common issues:

  • Communication Dysfunction
    • This is a major problem area that many couples have to varying degrees. Arizona Couples works on the premise that in practically every culture there is little or no emphasis on teaching children, adolescents and adults proper interactive communication techniques and skills. This practically ensures a certain degree of future interactive communication dysfunction within individual’s relationships with significant others in adulthood. Arizona Couples extensively evaluates a couple’s communication skills and dysfunction and incorporates basic to sophisticated communication training for most couples that come in for services.
  • Emotional Closeness
    • This problem is often completely intertwined with the couple’s communication dysfunction. As interactive communication deteriorates within the relationship, unresolved issues accumulate, which alters the balance of the emotional closeness between the couple. This creates distance and emotional distrust. Arizona Couples addresses the problem of emotional closeness as a primary aspect of the couples therapy program.
  • Conflict Resolution
    • Difficulties (or lack thereof) – as couples become properly trained in interactive communication, they progress to the more advanced work in therapy designed to resolve conflict in a timely manner. Understanding how to effectively resolve conflict is one of the most rewarding aspects of the therapeutic process.
  • Co-Dependent Relationships
    • Co-dependents and dysfunctional interdependent relationships can be very troubling for couples resulting in emotionally severe relationship dysfunction. Couples with serious problems in this area are carefully evaluated and treated as the relationship is restructured. These types of problems may increase the duration of the therapy sessions for some couples.
  • Other Problems that are addressed:
    • Problems associated with domestic, emotional and physical violence.
    • Step-Family Counseling.
    • Childhood emotional trauma and conflicts.
    • Restructuring family of origin influences and overcoming exposure to dysfunctional families.
    • Customized co-parenting training for couples with parenting issues.
    • Blending of broken families.